NY Lottery Icon Yolanda Vega Is Retiring!

A New York State/Capital Region icon has retired! The amazing Yolanda Vega of the NY Lottery has retired. Yolanda became famous when she started working with the Lottery 32 years ago when she uttered her name in the inimitable style... I'm Yoooooolaaaaaaanda Vega! Everyone knew Yolanda. She appeared on Oprah and Regis and Kelly. She was definitely a celebrity around the the State. I was lucky enough to become friends with Yolanda. We did several events together and her children and my godchildren went to the same school so we would see each other at events there. Yolanda is one of the nicest, kindest, funniest women you'll ever meet. The reason she became such an icon was because all of that shone through. She will be missed, but we wish her nothing but the best in the future.

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