I Got a Special Visit to My Backyard in the Form of Beautiful Birds!

I know this sounds silly but I've become an amateur bird watcher. No I don't go to parks to look, but I do sit in my backyard with my binoculars to see all the beautiful birds that stop by. We have all the regular birds like Robins, Blue Jays, Grackels, Sparrows, Chicadees, Finches and more. But I've also been lucky enough to get many woodpeckers in the yard. All different kinds too...Downy Woodpeckers, Hairy Woodpeckers, Red Bellied, and Even Pileated. But there's a bird in the woodpecker family I've been hoping would make it to the yard. I've been looking for them for years. Well, the other day, I was washing dishes and looking out my back window and I truly screamed out "What is Happening?!?!?!?" On my feeder, as you can see in the photo below, were FOUR of the Rose Breasted Grosbeaks that I had been wanting to see for years. It was like a little gift from God. They're so beautiful, and there they were just hanging out. Have you seen these birds before? Do you have them in your yard? Don't you think they're beautiful? Check them out and let me know!

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