Social Dilemma-Can Your Boss Put Restrictions on Bathroom Use?

Today's 98.3 TRY Social Dilemma came from Reed, and it's about working and using the bathroom. Here's his email: Hi Jaime. This is a strange social dilemma but I still hope you can use it. I've tried to word it properly. Here goes. The firm I work for is relatively small, there's about 11 of us. Our office just moved to a new building. When we got to the building, to set up our office, we all noticed a sign on the rest room door. It read, "This Bathroom is for #1 ONLY. Please respect the others that work in this office. If you need to do anything else, please use the bathrooms down in the lobby." We were shocked. Why should we have to leave our office and go to the lobby to take care of business, so to speak. Do you think this is appropriate? Do you think we should say something or just ignore it? Help us out. Thanks so much ~ Reed. Personally, I think this is the strangest request I've ever heard a boss make, and I've worked for quite a few people in my career. I would say something to the boss about it being inappropriate. I'm hoping he's a decent guy who will understand that what he is asking is unfair. What do you think? Is this an appropriate thing to ask of a staff? Let's help Reed out and let me know on the TRY Facebook page.

Photo: Getty Images

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