Social Dilemma-Is It Strange To Have a Birthday Party for Your Pet?

Today's 98.3 TRY Social Dilemma came from Timothy. Here's his email: Hi Jaime. I just got an invite and I knew I had to write to you. I have been invited to my friend, Sara's dog's birthday. Yep, it's a birthday party for the dog. I love my friend Sara but this seems crazy. The dog doesn't know it's his birthday. Why do I have to go to a birthday party for him. He's a cute dog, but a birthday party?? Really?!!? In the invite, it says no gifts necessary, but that the dog likes a certain kind of treat. Am I supposed to buy some for the dog? This seems bizarre to me. Have you ever heard of this before? Do people really throw birthday parties for their pets?!? Help me out. Thanks ~ Timothy. Well, I admit that I do celebrate my pet's birthdays, but I don't throw a party. I supposed if I had more time to think about it, I might, but usually, Leo my dog, or my cats Jackson and Sammy just get a special meal on their birthday. Why not celebrate them, they're my little fur babies. So while I've never had a party, no way will I judge Timothy's friend Sara for doing it. What do you think? Is this overstepping or is it just a fun way to appreciate your pet? Let's help Timothy out and let me know on the TRY Facebook page.

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