We've been waiting and waiting to find out who the permanent host of Jeopardy was going to be ever since the passing of Alex Trebek. The show's producers let us know they were finally going to come to a decision before the start of the next season. There were all kinds of polls and questions....who should it be? Ken Jennings? Mayim Bialik? Someone else? Well, now we know, and the answer is....both Ken and Mayim will continue hosting the show. They will continue to share hosting duties. Now I like both of them, but I'd be lying if I said I wasn't more in favor of Ken Jennings doing the gig full time. But apparently, the people in power decided it would be best to have two full time hosts. So what do you think? Are you happy with them continuing to share the hosting duties, or do you wish that Jeopardy had picked just one host for the upcoming season. Let me know on the TRY Facebook page.
1 of 2 Ken Jennings
Photo: Getty Images2 of 2 Mayam Bialik
Photo: Getty Images