Social Dilemma-Is It Childish to Name Your Car? Have You Ever Named Yours?

Today's 98.3 TRY Social Dilemma came from Colleen. It's about cars. Here's her email: Hi Jaime. I have a simple dilemma. Do you name your cars? I ask because I always have, and I have one friend who constantly mocks me for it. She says it's kind of crazy and incredibly childish to name a car. But I have always done it from my first car to the car I own now 35 years later. So like I said, more people name their cars or not. Thanks Jaime ~ Colleen. I just love this. I will say that I did name my very first car. It was a metallic blue Chevy Camaro, used of course, but I named it Hugo because the first three letters of the license place were HGO. So for the five years I owned that car, it was Hugo. But, I have never named a car after that. Until now. As you know I just bought a new Lia Hyundai Tuscon. Since I got her the day that Olivia Newton John passed, I have named her ONJ...pronounced On-ge. I like it. And it may be childish, but so what? So what about you? Do you name your cars? Have you ever? Let's help Colleen and her friend out. Let me know on the TRY Facebook page.

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