Today's 98.3 TRY Social Dilemma came from Theresa, and it's about fashion. Here's her email: Hey Jaime. I'm curious about something and I'm hoping you can give me the right advice. Are Fanny Packs really back in style? I used to love to wear fanny packs, but then they became really uncool, and I stopped wearing them. Now I see pictures of celebrities wearing them and I'm thinking, it must be cool again to wear a fanny pack, right? Do you wear them? Would you? Hope you and your callers can help me out. Thanks so much ~ Theresa. Well, I'm the last person to give anyone fashion advice unless it's about jeans and sweatshirts, but I do think that fanny packs are back in style. I see them in lots of stores and I also see people wearing them. Some people even wear them across the chest. So while I know NOTHING about fashion, I do think that fanny packs are back in. But you can help Theresa out with this one better than I can, so please let me know what you think on the TRY Facebook page.