Social Dilemma: My Complaint Got Someone Fired; Should I Have Kept Quiet?

Today's 98.3 TRY Social Dilemma came from Kaylee and it's about complaining. Here's her email: Hi Jaime. I'm feeling pretty bad about something that happened, and I'm hoping you can use this as your dilemma so I can find out if others would have done what I did. I enjoy going to my regular coffee place all the time. It's a local spot, and I go in at least three to four times a week. Usually I have a great experience until about two weeks ago. Apparently they hired a young woman who does not like her job. Almost every single time that she's handled my order it's been wrong. And a couple of times, the way she handed my coffee to me made it spill over my hand, and it's hot. After these things happened several times, I had to say something. First to her, and then when I didn't get a good response, I spoke to the manager. Long and the short of it, the young woman got fired t he day after I spoke to the manager. Someone else who works there told me this. Now I feel horrible. Should I have kept my mouth shut, or was I right to complain? Hope you can help. Thanks so much ~ Kaylee. This is so tough. You know, you want to make sure that if you're paying for service, you get what you paid for, but I would never want to be responsible for someone losing their job. But I guess the bottom line is is that the young woman was really the one responsible for losing the job. Still I wouldn't like the guilt I would feel. What do you think? Let's help Kaylee out and let me know on the TRY Facebook page.

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