Don't Push That Elevator Door Close Button Because It Does NOTHING!

Okay, I just found this out at 4 o'clock this morning and I am still upset about it. We've all been in elevators, right? And at some point or another, maybe you've used the "door-close" button so that you could get to your floor faster. Well check this out....according to a new report in the New York Times, those buttons haven't worked at all since 1990!!!! That is when the Americans with Disabilities Act passed, which requires elevator doors to stay open long enough for people using crutches, canes or wheelchairs. I get that. It makes sense. But what about when there is no one on the elevator with those items. Why can't we have the "close door" button then. Instead, it's been installed all these years as a big lie. If we can't use it, why is it still there?!?! And wait there's more upsetting news...this often is the same for those buttons that we press for crosswalk signals. Think it's going to make it quicker for you to cross the street. Not so much. So again, why is it there. Well, according to a Harvard psychology professor, the buttons give us a perceived sense of control, which is important for reducing stress and promoting well-being. But now that we know it's a lie, won't it increase stress!??! I find it all so bizarre. What do you think? Don't you think they should just remove the buttons?! I do. Let me know what you think on the TRY Facebook page.

Photo: Getty Images

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