Today's 98.3 TRY Social Dilemma has to do with marriage and anger. Here's the dilemma: Hi Jaime. I have a problem with my husband and I'm hoping for some good advice. When I met my husband and then married him more than 17 years ago, he was a positive person who rarely got upset about things. Over the years, he’s become easily agitated. He doesn’t usually get mad at me or anything that I do, but every other little problem just sets him off. It’s like he can’t even enjoy life anymore. I’m sad for him, but I don't know what to do. He swears he's a happy guy, but I know he's not. It's hard to be around him being so negative all the time. I feel like it's bringing me down. I'm thinking of separating from him, but I'm worried he'll really go downhill if that happens. What would you do? Hope you can help ~ Carson. Wow, this is tough. I think Carson needs to have a heart to heart with her husband and let him know this could be a dealbreaker for their marriage. I would suggest counseling, but that's my take. What do you think? Let's help them out and let me know what you think on the TRY Facebook page.