CLASSIC Dilemma: Is It Okay to Power Wash Your House At 7am On Saturday?

Today's 98.3 TRY Social Dilemma is about Saturday mornings. Here's the email I received. Hi Jaime, this is Corinne and I’m a longtime listener and think you and your listeners would be the perfect people to settle a debate my husband and I are having about when he should start a loud project this weekend. My husband is very gung-ho about power washing our house on Saturday and then putting together a giant gazebo on Sunday. We're having people over on Monday and he wants both to be done for that. Both projects will be loud and probably really annoying to our neighbors, who are old and grumpy from time to time. My husband wants to start 7am for both projects in hopes to be done by noon and have the rest of his day. I think he shouldn’t start until 9-9:30 to not disturb our neighbors on the weekend. He said landscapers start at that time so why shouldn’t he be allowed to. I say just because the landscapers start at that time doesn’t make it right and he should start later to be respectful. What do you think is the best time to start? Thanks so much ~ Corinne. Well, I'm definitely with Corinne on this one. I usually get up by 7:00am on the weekends, but I would never start a loud project until after 9am. People deserve to sleep in on the weekends. That's my take anyway. What do you think? Let's help Corinne and her husband out and let me know on the TRY Facebook page.

Photo: Getty Images

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