S Dilemma: Would You Be Turned Off If Your Date Ordered from the Kids Menu?

Today's 98.3 TRY Social Dilemma is about eating out on a first date. Here's the email: Hi Jaime, My name is Manny and I'm newly divorced and heading back out on the dating scene again. I recently went out with someone and had a strange experience and wanted to get your take. So, it was a dinner date at a very nice restaurant because I wanted to impress her. She’s very beautiful and confident and seemed like someone I could forge a relationship with. That’s until she looked at the menu and when the waiter came back, she asked if there was a kid menu. The waiter said no but they did make chicken fingers for people that brought kids to the restaurant. So, she ordered chicken fingers and mashed potatoes as her dinner. She told me that she still loves food from the kid’s menu and prefers it to fancier dishes. I wish she ‘d told me that sooner because I would have just brought her to a diner or TGI Fridays. The date conversation was good, but I just couldn’t get past her ordering chicken fingers at a steak house. I liked her, and like I said she was confident and pretty, but I feel like this is a dating deal breaker for me. Do you think I'm being too harsh? I feel like this would be a deal breaker for anyone. What do you think? Thanks ~ Manny I don't think that Manny will like this, but I disagree. If she was confident and nice and you had good conversation AND she was pretty on top of that, chicken fingers is an issue?!?!? I don't think it's a big deal. What do you think? Let's help Manny out and let me know on the TRY Facebook page.

Document: eliflamra / iStock / Getty Images

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