Social Dilemma: Should You Help Catch A Shoplifter?

Today's 98.3 TRY Social Dilemma came from Eric. Here's his email: Hi Jaime. This happened to me last weekend and after talking it over with my wife, she thought it would be a good dilemma for your show. Over the weekend, I went to a local drugstore I go to all the time. I was looking at sale items on an endcap near the front of the store when I heard someone yell, “Hey! Stop him!” I looked up the aisle and there was a guy running straight at me. We locked eyes for a second and I probably could have tackled him, but I didn’t. I let him run by. The manager came down the aisle and yelled at me for not stopping the guy. First, the guy could have had a knife. I thought most employees were trained not to physically detain shoplifters, so I don’t know why the manager was mad. It wasn’t coming out of his pocket. But second, the guy had a bag of diapers under his arm. Felt wrong to stop him if he’s having trouble taking care of his kid. It’s not like he was stealing whiskey or something. But even some of my friends said I should have tried to stop him. What do you think? Was I wrong to let the guy go? Thanks, Eric. I would like to say I would have tried to stop him, but that's just not the truth. I think I would have been too afraid to try to stop him for the exact reason Eric mentioned. So anyone who is giving him flack, I personally think is wrong. What do you think? Let's help Eric out and let me know on the TRY Facebook page.

Photo: AndreyPopov / iStock / Getty Images

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