Social Dilemma: What Do You Call Your Kid's Teachers When You See Them Out?

Today's 98.3 TRY Social Dilemma is about running into your kid's teachers out in public, and how you address them. Here's the email: Hi Jaime. Here's a dilemma. Last night was pretty awkward. I was out at Target with my daughter in the sports aisle talking about how something she wanted was too expensive, when I saw one of my other kids teachers. I didn't know what to call him. I know his first name is Zach (last name Martin). But should I call him Mr. Martin, or Zach. I mean he's about 12 years younger than me. I know his first name and he knows mine. But I still felt weird and ended up calling him Mr. Martin. My wife laughed at me when I told her. What would you have called him in that situation? Thanks! ~ Kurt. I understand how Kurt feels. I run into some teachers I had in high school, and I still think about calling them Mr. or Ms. Still I usually make a joke out of it. Something like I think I'm too old to call you Mr. or Ms. Maybe you should call me that. It's a strange situation, but ultimately, I always go for the first name (after my joke of course). What would you do? Let's help Kurt out and let me know what you think on the TRY Facebook page.

Photo: SDI Productions / E+ / Getty Images

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