Social Dilemma: Should Your Company Make You Pay For Your Christmas Party

Today's 98.3 TRY Social Dilemma came from Gary and it's about Christmas parties. Here's his email. Hi Jaime. Our company isn’t going to pony up for a Christmas party, but there’s been talk that we should still have one…and that we should pay for it. I love most of my coworkers, but I have no desire to pay for a company Christmas party. If the company isn't going to throw it for us, then why should we have to cover the cost. I'm getting some flack from coworkers, but I'm not a fan of paying for a party when my company which makes tons of money should be throwing it for us. My coworkers are calling me a grinch, but I don't think so. What do you think? Thanks ~ Gary. I understand how Gary feels, but for me, I think it should be more about gathering with friends and coworkers. Why not all just go out to lunch and pay for your own meal. That's my suggestion. What do you think? Bail on any kind of party at all since the company isn't paying or try to find a way to gather. Let's help Gary out and let me know on the TRY Facebook page.

Photo: Aleksandar Jankovic / E+ / Getty Images

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