Social Dilemma: Is It Okay to Sell Gifts You Received That You Don't Like?

Today's 98.3 TRY Social Dilemma came from Darlene and it's about reselling gifts. Here's the email: Hi Jaime. I have a dilemma. My friends and I had a little holiday party right before Christmas when we all exchanged gifts with one another. I did not like any of the gifts I received. Don't get me wrong, I'm grateful that they thought of me, and I'm so happy to have them as friends, but just being practical, I did not like the gifts. One was an electric can opener, another was a set of Christmas candles...things like that. Anyway, I don't want them to go to waste, so I thought I would sell them on Facebook Market. Why not? I can't return them, but why not make a buck off of them and get them to someone who might like them. I've talked about it with my coworkers and they're all telling me not to do it, that it's rude and unkind and thoughtless. I think it's like regifting only I get to make money too. What do you think? Am I being rude? Should I just keep the gifts even though I really do not like them? Hope you can help me out. Thanks ~ Darlene. Well, I don't think I could do this. What if my friend saw them? On the other hand, I've regifted things, so why not sell them and get them to someone who will enjoy them. So, no judgment here. What do you think? Should Darlene sell them on Facebook Market or just keep them? Let's help her out on the TRY Facebook page.

Photo: Tom Werner / DigitalVision / Getty Images

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