Social Dilemma: Was I Wrong To Keep a Friend's Dog Out of My Home

Today's 98.3 TRY Social Dilemma is about dogs and friends. Here's the email: Hi Jaime. I am in the middle of an argument with a good friend of mine all because of his girlfriend's dog. I recently had a little get together with friends. Now all of my friends know that I am allergic to most if not all dogs. Anyway, my one friend Benjamin is dating a new young woman. Well, Benjamin and his girlfriend came to the house with her little dog. When they came to the house, I explained that I could not let the dog inside because of my allergies. They both said, oh it's a "hypoallergenic dog" and it won't cause any problems. I love dogs but I also know I can't be around them so I said I was sorry but I could not let the dog inside. So my friend Benjamin asks what to do and I simply said bring the dog home and then come back. Well, he was really angry, and they both left and did not come back. Now Benjamin keeps texting me how cruel I am, complaining that I was mean to his girlfriend, and that I should apologize. I think they were rude to me. What do you think? Was I rude? Should I have sneezed my way through the gathering for the sake of the dog? Help me out here. Thanks so much ~ Chris. Well, I love dogs, you know that, but I don't think Chris did anything wrong. His house, his rules and his friend should know that. That being said, even with the allergies, I would have let the dog inside and tried taking Zyrtec or Benedryl or something like that. What about you? What do you think? Let's help Chris out and let me know on the TRY Facebook page.

Photo: Pekic / E+ / Getty Images

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