Social Dilemma: Should The Dog Be Allowed in Bed?

Today's TRY Social Dilemma came from Jason. He doesn't want his dog in the bed anymore. Here's his email: Hi Jaime. So here's a dilemma. When my wife and I first got married, we never let our dog in the bed with us. Well, here we are three dogs later and now, everything changed and the dog sleeps right between us. I love the dog, but now I feel like we should go back to how it was when we first got married all those years ago....I want the dog out of the bed. My wife on the other hand has fallen in love with having Flox (our dog) in bed. She says she even sleeps better with him there. We listen to you everyday and thought this would be a good way to solve the problem. We're going with whoever has more people on their side, is what will happen with the dog. So am I right, should the dog go back to his own bed, or is my wife right, since Flox has now gotten used to sleeping with us, should he be able to stay? We'll be listening. Thanks Jaime, love your show ~ Jason. Well, this is an easy one for me. Pets definitely in the bed. I sleep better with my cats in the bed, whether they're at the foot of the bed, or under my arm or on top of my head. I just like it. What about you? Let's help Jason and his wife out. Pets in the bed or nope, they have their own bed. Let me know on the TRY Facebook page.

Photo: Davin G Photography / Moment / Getty Images

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