Social Dilemma: Do I Have to Participate in Small Talk At Work? I HATE It!

Today's 98.3 TRY Social Dilemma came from Mark and it's about office relationships. Here's his email: Hi Jaime. I'm having an issue at the office. I work in an office of about 15 people. When I come to work, I come to actually work. I’m a “head down, get it done” type of guy. But invariably people come in, break my train of thought to talk about the most mundane things. I mean, they’re nice, but I’m not in a “small talk” mode from 9 to 5. I’ve tried to be polite, to say I’m in the middle of something, but it’s not working – and I’m sure my irritation is starting to show. I’d take it up with my boss, but he’s one of the worst offenders! How do I keep a job I love and am good at, and not be the office jerk when I really want to get stuff done? Thanks for the help ~ Mark. I understand how Mark feels. When I'm in the middle of something, I'm not a big small talker either. BUT, I do think that small talk at work is important. Getting to know your coworkers, having a laugh with them, it's all part of what makes the job interesting. Plus when you get in a bind at the office, you want to know your coworkers have your back. I think it wouldn't hurt Mark to spend just a few minutes each day chatting with is coworkers. What do you think? Let's help him out on the TRY Facebook page.

Photo: jacoblund / iStock / Getty Images

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