Social Dilemma: Should I Have to Stop Smoking In MY House for Guests?

Today's 98.3 TRY Social Dilemma came from Peggy and it's about smoking in your home. Here's her email: Hi Jaime. I have a politically incorrect dilemma. I'm a smoker. I know it's bad for me, I know I should quit, but I haven't yet and it is what it is. I smoke in my house, and for the most part due to humidifiers and air purifiers, the house doesn't smell like smoke. All that being said because everytime I invite these two particular friends over, they always ask me to refrain from smoking in the house. I don't think it's fair. I would NEVER go to their home and tell them that I wouldn't come unless I could smoke in their house. I've told them, if they don't want to be around me smoking, let's get together at their house. But they say they like the idea of us switching on and off to each other's home but they don't want to be around smoke. Don't you think they're being unfair? Help me out here. Thanks so much ~ Peggy. Well, my first piece of advice of course would be to see if Peggy could get help quitting, but that's not the dilemma. I am with Peggy on this. She shouldn't have to stop smoking in her own home. If her guests don't like it, then they can gather at their home where Peggy abides by their rules and doesn't smoke. That's my take anyway. WHat do you think? Would you tell Peggy to stop smoking while her guests were there? Let's help her out and let me know on the TRY Facebook page.

Senior woman smoking a cigarette

Photo: kali9 / E+ / Getty Images

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