Social Dilemma: What To Do With Two Invites to Parties on the Same Day

Today's 98.3 TRY Social Dilemma came from Julie and it's about two invitations to parties on the same day. Here's the email: Hi Jaime! Love listening to you on the radio and your live videos! You're the best! I have a social dilemma for you. My granddaughter is having a college graduation party the same day as my husband's best friend's grandson, Ben's birthday/high school graduation party. We knew about our granddaughter Kim's party weeks before we received an invitation for Ben's. My husband wants to go to Ben's party before going to Kim's. I'm like, are you kidding? He thinks it's fine because we went to her graduation and out to dinner. It's his granddaughter! I think we should decline Ben's invitation. Maybe go later to say hi to Ben, but I feel his granddaughter is more important even tho we've already celebrated with her. Help? Thanks Jaime! ~ Julie I think it's fine to stop at both parties. It sounds like Julie and her husband did celebrate with their granddaughter on the day of her actual graduation so stopping a little late to the party shouldn't be a big deal. Plus if it's her husband's best friend's son, I understand him wanting to make an appearance. That's my take anyway. What do you think? Let's help Julie out and let me know on the TRY Facebook page.

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