S Dilemma: Do I Have to Be Part of a Bridal Party Bathing Suit Photo Shoot?

Today's 98.3 TRY Social Dilemma came from Carla and it's about a wedding party request. Here's the email: Hi Jaime. First off, love listening to you in the morning, it's a great way to ride to work to Albany Med everyday. Now my dilemma. My younger brother is getting married. I'm 41 but he's 33, and he's marrying a lovely young woman who is 28. I'm giving our ages for a reason. My brother begged me to be part of the wedding party so now at 41, I'm a bridesmaid again. Happy to do it for him, but now, his fiance is requesting that the bridal party do a "bathing suit photo shoot." Apparently this is all the rage for summer weddings, but I have no desire to be a slightly overweight 41 year old woman standing next to three 20-somethings with perfect bodies for this thing. I'm not putting myself down, but we can all agree that we look a little different in our forties than we do in our twenties. How do I get out of this without ticking off my brother and his soon-to-be wife? Or do I just deal with it and take the pictures. I do get a free bathing suit out of it because the bride is buying them. What do you think? Thanks for the help ~ Carla. Wow, this is tough. On one hand, I think, go for it, be proud of your body and show it off. On the other hand, I think if it was me, I would be incredibly self-conscious, not because of who I was with, but because I have no desire to be photographed in a bathing suit EVER for any reason. But if Carla doesn't have that issue, then I say go for it. Show off that beautiful 41 year old body! What do you think? Let's help Carla out and let me know on the TRY Facebook page.

Photo: milorad kravic / E+ / Getty Images

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