Social Dilemma: Do I Contact the Half Sisters I Just Found Out I Have?

Today's 98.3 TRY Social Dilemma came from Beth and it's about a situation she found herself in with family. Here's her email: Hi Jaime. I bet no one else has found themselves in the situation I'm now in. I'm 37 years old, and I grew up without a father. My mom always told me that my birth father left when he found out she was pregnant, and he never reached out after I was born. I've always known his name, and with technology, I managed to find him. Every now and then, I’d look him up on social media, but his profiles were always private, so I only ever saw a few pictures of him. Recently, after not searching for him for a few years, I found out he passed away six months ago. His online obituary mentioned that he had two daughters, and it seems like he was involved in raising them. I had no idea I had two half-sisters. Now I’m unsure what to do. If they don’t know about me, my existence could come as a huge shock. I never tried to reconnect with my birth father because he was the one who left me. But siblings? I never even considered the idea that I might not be an only child. I haven’t told my mom any of this, and I’m not sure how to proceed. Should I reach out to my half-sisters? Would you? Thanks for the help ~ Beth. This is tough, but ultimately I think I would want to know my half sisters. I might hire a lawyer tho and do it through him/her. That way everyone has the opportunity to decide for themselves if they want to meet. That's my take anyway. I found out I had cousins I didn't know about because my grandfather was a rascal. I tried reaching out to them and they did not want to get involved. So what would you do. What advice do you have for Beth. Let me know on the TRY Facebook page.

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