Join Me This Saturday at the Gala For Animals for Our Friends at MHHS!

I'm getting very excited about this Saturday night!! It's the Bensons Pet Center Gala for Animals to benefit the Mohawk Hudson Humane Society.   We're going to have an incredible time, and it would be great if you could be there too.  Tickets are still available, and all you have to do to get them is to head to   Steve Caporizzo will be the emcee for the night, Grand Central Station, the area's best band, will be providing the music, and I'm going to be the guest auctioneer.  It's going to be so much fun, and it's all to help homeless pets.  Hope to see you Saturday, and if you come, make sure you come up and say hello so we can hang out a bit, dance and have some fun!!

Gala for Animals

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