Jaime in the Morning

Jaime in the Morning

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Social Dilemma - Is It Okay To Wash Your Kids Mouth Out With Soap??

I was a little shocked to get this email a few days ago for the social dilemma, but I thought I would go with it and see what you think.  Here goes:

Good morning Jaime.  My social dilemma may sound a little old fashioned, but I had to bring it up to you because my husband and I have been arguing about it non stop.  First let me tell you that my husband is about 13 years older than I am.  I tell you that because it has to do with our argument.  Our eight year old daughter has been on a bit of a tear lately, and has been picking up on using some bad words and talking back to us.  The other day she told my husband to shut up.  Of course, that wasn't okay with either of us, but how we were going to discipline her caused the argument.  He wanted to wash her mouth out with soap.  That's what his parents did to him when he was a kid and he never talked back to them again.   I just wanted to send her to her room.   I think washing her mouth out is a bit abusive.  So what do you think?  Do you think it's okay to use soap in her mouth?  Maybe you can end this argument for us.  Thanks so much Jaime.  Love your show and we wake up to you everyday in our house!  - Amy

Well, for me, I can tell you that I did have my mouth washed out with soap when I was a kid, but I would never do it to a kid today.   I think sending a kid to their room is a good disciplinary thing to do as long as they don't have their phone and ipad with them.  Otherwise, not much a punishment.  So what do you think?  Is washing a kids mouth out with soap okay in this day and age?

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