Jaime in the Morning

Jaime in the Morning

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Social Dilemma - Do Political Road Signs Make You Vote For Someone?

Interesting social dilemma considering tomorrow is Election day!

Hi Jaime - My name is Beth and I wanted to send in a social dilemma to you.  Every day I drive to work and I see tons of political road signs everywhere.  They're on lawns, and in windows, you know what I mean.  And I was just curious.  Do you think these road signs ever really sway someone to vote for a specific person?  I see all the signs, but I do the research myself as to who I'm going to vote for, and the signs don't make a difference to me. And I was wondering if you and anyone else felt differently.  So if you could use this as a social dilemma, I would really appreciate it.   Thanks so much Jaime.  you're the best!  ~ Beth

Well, I see all those road signs too.  Sometimes they make me crazy because there are so many of them.  I don't think a road sign has ever swayed me to vote for someone, but if I see a lot of them, it might make me take a minute to do some research on that person.   But to answer your question, no it doesn't sway me.  So what about you?  With Election day tomorrow, have any of those road signs that you see everyday while driving swayed you to vote one way or another?  Let me know!

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