Jaime in the Morning

Jaime in the Morning

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For the First Time in 30 Years, My Mom Went Swimming!!

Yesterday was Independence Day and we celebrated in style at our house.  We had some friends over and we had a lovely backyard bbq.  Because of the heat, I wanted my mom to come over and spend the day with us so I could keep an eye on her.  What you need to know is that my mom almost drowned when she was ten years old and because of that she NEVER learned to swim.  She's terrified of the water.  We had a pool growing up and she never got into it.  But yesterday, she proved that age makes no difference, you always have time to conquer your fears.  My 87 year old mom, came outside with us and ultimately ended up getting in the pool.  We gently helped her in, clothes and all, and she LOVED it.  We couldn't get her out.   She was having the time of her life.  It was a beautiful sight to see.  Knowing that she was able to conquer that fear and have fun was incredible.  And it taught us all a lesson.  We're never too old to find courage, and to beat our fears and do new things.  Check out the photos below.  She was having a blast!!  Hope you had a wonderful Fourth too!!

Pam, Mom and Jaime in pool
Mom in pool

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