Jaime in the Morning

Jaime in the Morning

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Another TV Reboot-Is Growing Pains Coming Back?

Hollywood's insatiable lust for bringing back old TV shows is zeroing in on a new target:"Growing Pains". JEREMY MILLER, who played Ben Seaver, says, quote, "We're still in talks right now.We're actually doing story creation and brainstorming right now.Kirk [Cameron], Tracey [Gold], and I are in constant contact about it. "[We're] trying to put together a workable storyline that will be respectful to Alan [Thicke] and the cast and the history and everything . . . between the three of us, I think we may be able to knock something out." He didn't share any ideas on how they might pay tribute to Alan, who died in 2016.For now, they don't have a network or production company attached. The original show ran from 1985 to 1992 on ABC Would you watch a Growing Pains reboot? Are you interested to know where these characters are now? Let me know on the TRY Facebook page.

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