Jaime in the Morning

Jaime in the Morning

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Yesterday, We Made Homemade Chicken Soup! Here's the Recipe if You Like!

So yesterday after my several walks, my sweetie and I decided to make some homemade chicken soup. It's my favorite thing in the world to eat, plus during these times, who doesn't need some comfort food to make things better. So we got to the work of making it happen. If you're interesting in our recipe, here it is. Pretty simple

1 whole chicken (or breasts and legs)







cheese clothe


Here's what we do: Cut up the veges and put them aside. Keep the so called "scraps" to put in the pot. Put the chicken (or breasts/legs) into a big pot. Fill with water to an inch over the chicken. Put in peppercorn, bay leaf, salt, and the "scraps" of cutting up the veges, for instance, the pieces of the carrots, onions and celery you don't use. Bring to a low boil and let it do it's thing for an hour and a half. Taste it and see if it is ready. If not, let it go for another half hour. When done, strain the broth through cheese cloth into another pan. Save the chicken to cut up for obvious reasons. Then put your cut up veges into the pot of broth and again bring to a low boil until the carrots are soft. While that's going on, cut up your chicken to put inside the soup. Also while that's going on, boil up some pasta and then you're ready to go. I'll be eating it all week. Hope the recipe makes sense. I'm Italian so I'm used to just throwing stuff in and making it work. LOL Let me know if you give it a try or if you need any more info. Let me know on the TRY Facebook page.

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