Jaime in the Morning

Jaime in the Morning

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Pirates of the Caribbean to Be Rebooted.....ALREADY?!?!?!?

There have been rumors about a possible "Pirates of the Caribbean" reboot for a couple years. And now, a Disney "insider" blog claims the movie is in development, and they want a FEMALE lead. They're supposedly interested in Karen Gillan who plays Nebula in the Marvel movies, and also starred in "Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle" and "Jumanji: The Next Level". There's no word on how they'd be connected to the other "Pirates" movies . . . although the report suggests it could be about Redd the pirate, who's a popular meet-and-greet character at the Disney parks. Since it's a reboot, it doesn't sound like Johnny Depp would be involved. Are you interested in seeing this? I love the idea of a female lead but c'mon can't we wait another ten years before we reboot something that has only been gone for a couple of years?? What do you think? Let me know on the TRY Facebook page.

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