Jaime in the Morning

Jaime in the Morning

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Social Dilemma-Is Ironing a Thing of the Past? Are Wrinkled Clothes Okay?

Today's 98.3 TRY Social Dilemma came from Robin. It's about clothing. Here's her email: Hi Jaime. My name is Robin and I'm a 48 year old woman who is back on the dating scene again. I have gone out on several dates and one thing I've noticed is that many of the men I've met with have wrinkled clothes on. I was married for 22 years so maybe something has changed in that time, but I couldn't believe all the wrinkles. Wrinkled shirts and wrinkled pants. Is this acceptable now? Doesn't anyone iron anymore? On a first meeting with someone, I always try to look nice, but clearly these men didn't think that unwrinkled clothes were part of the "looking nice" process. Friends of mine say it's a style and that a lot of people don't like to iron and I'm making too big a deal out of it. I get that, but then don't buy clothes that need to be ironed. Am I being too harsh? Like I said, some friends say I am, but I don't t think it's too much to ask for someone to iron their clothes before a first date. This is my dilemma. Thanks so much Jaime ~ Robin I understand how Robin feels. I do think that ironing is more of a choice these days as opposed to something everyone does. I'm not big on ironing but I also mostly wear jeans and shirts that don't need to be ironed. When I dress up, then the iron comes out. What do you think? Should Robin judge these guys on their wrinkled clothes or is that just the way it is these days? Let's help her out. Let me know on the TRY Facebook page

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