Today's 98.3 TRY social dilemma came from Rita. It 's about leftovers. Here's her email. Hi Jaime. I'm curious about something and I think it would make a good dilemma. How long do you leave leftovers in the refrigerator before throwing them out? I ask because I often leave them in for about a week. On the 6th day, I'll throw them out, but up to that point, I'll eat them. I bring it up because I was talking about some leftovers I had from a meal I made that I love. Fettuccine with broccoli in garlic olive oil. Anyway, I was telling a friend how much I was looking forward to the leftovers I had, and she asked when I originally made it. I said five days ago. She scoffed and said it should already be in the garbage. I think five days is fine. Like I said I usually go six days but now I'm thinking about it. So I thought you could use this as a social dilemma. How long is the appropriate time to leave leftovers in the fridge? Thanks Jaime. Love your show and the dilemmas. ~ Rita. Well, five or six days is usually my cut off for food as leftovers. Of course there are exceptions to that rule that get thrown out sooner, but pasta or pizza, things like that. definitely five or six days. But, I also have friends who say two or three days is the most you should keep stuff, but I disagree. So what do you think? How long do you keep your leftovers? Let me know what you think on the TRY Facebook page.