Little by little, life is getting back to normal. Last year we weren't able to enjoy the fun and rides of The Great Escape in Lake George due to Covid, but this year, the Great Escape is getting ready to reopen this Saturday! I find this very exciting. I love to take the kids to the Great Escape (and I admit it, sometimes I just go with my friends to ride the rides..LOL). Who doesn't love to get on the Bobsled, the Desperado Plunge, and most importantly, the Comet!! I could get "cometized" all day I love that ride so much! Just knowing we're going to be able to be outside enjoying the park and everything about it! And if you're like me, you mix it up with a trip to the outlet stores right up the street. So get ready...The Great Escape reopens this Saturday! I can't wait! What about you?