Today's 98.3 TRY Social Dilemma came from Jo. Here's her email. Hi Jaime. I have a question for the Social Dilemma. How do you handle a neighbor that swears with every other word that comes out of his mouth. He has young children and he talks like that in front of them. I personally hate that kind of talk and can't even sit in my yard a lot of times because I don't want to listen to it. I wasn't raised that way and I didn't raise my daughter like that. I also don't want my grandchildren listening to it. I just feel funny saying something to him but I think he should show a little respect when he has close neighbors. Thank you. ~ Jo. Hmmm, well that is a tough one. While no one wants to hear anyone swearing loudly anywhere because it often makes many people uncomfortable, I think since he's in his own yard, it would be hard to get him to stop unless he wanted to. I guess if it bothered me that much, I would bring over some food, sit down with him and explain that your grandkids can hear what he's saying and it's really inappropriate. I'm a big fan of using kindness to get your point across. But if that doesn't work, I don't know that there's much that can be done. But that's just me. Maybe others have better ideas. Let's help Jo out and let me know what you think on the TRY Facebook page.