Today's 98.3 TRY Social Dilemma is so interesting. I had never thought about it before, but I certainly understand how Carrie feels. Here's her email. Hi Jaime. I'm a little upset about something and I wanted to email you so it could be a social dilemma. My friends are getting married on July 3. That means I have to be in town for their wedding. And because I'm a good friend (but not good enough to be in the wedding party) I need to be there and I need to stay late into the night. That means I can't go to my camp for the long weekend. I mean sure, I can leave Sunday morning or late Saturday night, but that means instead of having a four day weekend (Friday-Monday) I have a 2-day weekend. I'm going. There's no way out of it. But I'm annoyed. My friend who's getting married thinks it's great! The way she sees it, now people will have something fun and exciting to do July 4th weekend. Watch her get married! Am I just being a crank? Or is it genuinely rude to hold a wedding over a holiday weekend? Thanks so much Jaime ~ Carrie. Well you know I have never thought of this before, but I do understand how Carrie feels. Of course we all want to support our friends, but we also all look forward to those long weekends when we can get away for a little bit, especially after the year we just had. So as much as I hate to say it, I agree with Carrie. I would go to the wedding too, but I would be a little upset about it too. What do you think? Is Carrie overreacting? Let's help her out on the TRY Facebook page