Today's 98.3 TRY Social Dilemma is one I think we all can relate to. We all have a friend like this. Hi Jaime: I listen to your broadcast every morning and enjoy the social dilemma. I have a dilemma for your consideration. I have a very dear friend and do not want to hurt her feelings but I am having an issue because since she became a grandma every time we get together she spends a great deal of our limited time showing me hundreds of pictures of her grandkid. I am not exaggerating it is literally over 100’s!!! I am not a grandma yet but I think that it is annoying to keep interrupting our conversations to practically look at hundreds of pictures and videos of her grandkid. I understand that it is her first grandchild but after the first 20 photos, it becomes hard to keep paying attention and frustrating not been able to talk about our lives and other matters. It is sad because I am avoiding seeing her alone so I don’t have to go through it each time we meet. If we meet with other people at least they serve as a buffer since she is not able to monopolize the time showing photos and videos. How can I convey my feelings about it without hurting her feelings? Thank you and keep your happy blessed energy we all enjoy so much in the morning. ~ Sandy I understand how Sandy feels. I LOVE seeing pictures of my friends grandkids, kids, pets etc, but that's not all I want to talk about or see. I have in the past in a kind way, said I love your (kids, grandkids, pets, etc), but I want to know about this, or I want to talk with you about that. It has worked for me. What do you think? Is it wrong of Sandy to ask her friend to dial back talk and pics about her grandchild? Or is that rude? Let me know on the TRY Facebook page.