Today's 98.3 TRY Social Dilemma is an interesting one about ice. Here's the email: Hi Jaime. I've been asking this question lately of everyone I know. Only because my wife and I had a big disagreement about it and I want to know what others think. Then we thought, we should bring it to your daily dilemma. So here it is. Everyday I like to drink a big cup of soda with lots of ice in it. I just love an ice cold soda. Anyway, Everyday I fill my bottle with ice, then pour in the soda, wait for a few minutes and start drinking. The other day, it tasted bad. So of course I thought it was somehow the soda, but after checking the soda from the bottle, it was fine. Then I grabbed an ice cube out of our freezer, and it was the ice. The ice was bad!!! It had a yucky taste to it. So I told my wife and she said I was crazy and that ice couldn't go bad. I tried to prove it to her but she said there's nothing to prove, ice can't go bad. So as I said, I've been asking people and some agree with me, but most agree with her. I wanted to know what others thought so I here I am bringing it to you and your dilemma. Do you think ice can go bad? Thanks Jaime ~ George. Well, George, you'll be happy to know that I agree with you. I am also a lover of an ice cold drink and yes, I can taste it when the ice has "gone bad." I think it just means it has sat in the freezer too long, but I say it's gone bad too. So I'm with George on this. What do you think? Let me know on the TRY Facebook page.