Today's TRY Social Dilemma came from Maureen, and it's about neighbors. Here's her email: Hi husband and I are having a disagreement about how to handle something and we thought you could help. My neighbors and I currently have an amicable relationship – we don’t bother them, they don’t bother us. But they recently did something that I think is totally out of line and am wondering if I should call them on it. Last night I ordered in pizza and about a half hour later got confirmation that it was delivered, even though I didn’t get it. The restaurant apologized, said it must have been delivered to the wrong address and refunded my money. Well, this morning as I was taking out the trash, I noticed an empty pizza box in my neighbor’s garbage with my name on it. So basically they took my pizza and ate it, instead of doing the right thing and bringing it to me. I feel like I should confront them about the theft, but my husband thinks it will just stir things up and cause a war. What do you think I should do? I can't wait to get some good advice. Thanks so much Jaime ~ Maureen. I am with Maureen on this. I would confront them. I wouldn't be mean or unkind about it, but I would at least ask the question, "hey did you get my pizza last night?" and see if they out and out lie about it. I would hope they would come clean, but you won't know unless you ask. That's what I would do. What about you? Do you agree with Maureen or do you think she should just leave it alone like her husband thinks. Let me know on the TRY Facebook page.