So last night I couldn't sleep. Oh don't get me wrong, I fell asleep okay, but then I woke up at around 11 and NEVER fell back to sleep. That was four and a half hours of just laying in bed waiting for my alarm to ring at 3:30. And the thing about being up all night is the weird thoughts that come into your head. It's never the joyful thoughts, it's always crazy thoughts. For instance, and these are just a few of the things I spend way too much time thinking about last night: "Did I remember to lock my car? Should I get up and check? I must have locked it, I always do....maybe I should check." Also, "I remember that time in sixth grade when I was mean to Patty B. Why did I do that? I know I made it up to her, but why was I being such a loser in sixth grade?" "I wonder where the cats are sleeping. I wish they were on the bed with me, it would make it warmer. What do they do all night? Where do they sleep? Are they comfortable? My bed has got to be more comfortable." And "Where did I put that new pack of pens I bought the other day? Did I put them in my work bag? If not where would I have put them? I really like using those kinds of pens. I hope I didn't lose them." So that's just a minor example of what was flowing through my head for over four hours. No, it wasn't that I'm going to Disney in a few weeks. It wasn't that I'll be seeing my great niece and nephew soon. Nope, just all kinds of insanity. Am I the only one this happens to, or do you have these strange thoughts when you can't sleep too. Let me know on the TRY Facebook page.