Today's 98.3 TRY Social Dilemma came from Bonnie and it's about couch blankets. Here's her email: Hi Jaime. I keep having an argument with my daughter and we decided we would bring it to you. Every time I'm visiting her at her home, I use the blanket on the couch to cover myself because she keeps her house a little chilly in my opinion. I don't mind until I found out recently that she hasn't washed that blanket in at least six months. She told me there's no need because it's a "couch blanket" and it's only used when someone is watching TV or reading, and it's over their clothes. I told her it needs to be washed at least once a week because of dried skin and dog hair and just simple old bacteria. She told me I was being a clean freak. So what do you think? How often do you wash your "couch blanket?" Thanks Jaime. I know I'm right on this. ~ Bonnie. Well Bonnie and I are together on this one. I have a dog and two cats, so even though my couch blankets are only used like Bonnie described, I still wash them once a week. What about you? How often do you wash your couch blankets? Let's help Bonnie out and let me know on the TRY Facebook page.