Okay, I have to admit, I'm already beginning to feel the loss of This is Us. It's coming to an end in just three weeks! Tonight we get Episode 15 and then on the 10th, it's Episode 16, on the 17th it's Episode 17 and on the 24th The Final Episode. I feel like we have become honorary members of the Pearson family over the past six years. I'm going to miss spending time with this family every week. I know tonight's episode is all about Miguel. Next week's title is "Family Meeting" so will it be about Rebecca's passing?? Sounds like it. Episode 17 is titled "Train" that one is anybody's guess, and the final Episode on the 24th is just titled "Us" I'm trying to gear myself up to say goodbye, but it's going to be hard. We've spent lots of Tuesday nights with the Pearson family! I'm going to miss the show a lot...what about you?