By now we've all heard about the horrific news! A school shooting at Robb Elementary School in Uvaldi, Texas. Nineteen children were killed along with two teachers. Nineteen babies. I couldn't believe it when I heard the news yesterday. I was in shock. How could this happen just two weeks after so many were killed in a Buffalo grocery store. And now children at school. Places that are supposed to be safe for all of stores, elementary schools. But they weren't safe. I couldn't believe it...I went from shock to anger to praying to just feeling overwhelming sadness. I cried watching the news story. And the shooter was an 18 year old kid. What is happening? That's what I truly felt....WHAT IS HAPPENING!?!?
Today we pray....we pray for the beautiful children who were lost, we pray for the two teachers who were lost, and we pray for the families and friends of all the victims. Families that will have to live with this loss for the rest of their lives. We pray. And we must all come together to try to find an answer. WE MUST. We must put aside differences and figure it all out....mental health issues, gun issues, security issues and more. But now, we pray.
And in the midst of this horrific tragedy, we mustn't give our power away. I say it every day. Never give your power to anyone else. And today, we must not give our power away to evil. We must find joy today. We must try to make it a good day. We can help each other. We must find the smiles. Because joy is so important in the face of tragedy. We can't let evil win. So on this beautiful sunny day, let's choose to try to make today a great day....while we continue to pray and struggle with our emotions.
I would love to know what you're feeling. Please let me know either on the TRY Facebook page, or by calling 518-476-9879, or by hitting that red microphone, the talkback button, if you're listening on the iHeart Radio app. Let's get through this together.
And if you want more information on the story, head to