Jaime in the Morning

Jaime in the Morning

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Pick Me Up: Waterford Boy Raises Over $2,000 For Veterans W/Lemonade Stand

This is such a great pick me up this morning! A seven year old boy in Waterford saw a homeless Veteran and decided he needed to do something about that. Last year when Teagan from Waterford saw the man, he went home and told him mom he wanted to help, so they put together a Lemonade stand with Grandma's homemade cookies and they raised over a thousand dollars for the Veterans and Community Housing Coalition. Well, this month, Teagan saw the work that Veterans and Community Housing Coalition was doing and told his mom that they needed to get to work again. So Grammie started baking and they set up another Lemonade stand, this time out in front of Benson's Pet Store. Well, Teagan sold $1,400 worth of cookies and lemonade. On top of that Benson's decided to add $800 so the total donation to the Coalition ended up being $2,200!! We thing Teagan and his family are amazing!!!! We all need to remember no matter what, when you see something that's wrong, you can do something about it. Nice going Teagan!!!! Read more about Teagan here.

Boy and dog selling lemonade

Photo: Getty Images

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