Jaime in the Morning

Jaime in the Morning

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Social Dilemma: Should A Spouse ALWAYS Be Number One In Every Situation?

Today's 98.3 TRY Social Dilemma is about paying attention. Here's the email from Kate: Hi Jaime. My husband and I have a seasonal camp.. We go almost every weekend. In the morning, we sit by the fire and have coffee....we usually are chatting and spending quality time together. He sometimes gets a phone call from his sister who just calls to chat...this has happened on numerous occasions. The phone call is never quick..usually anywhere from.20 minutes to maybe half hour. I feel my husband should ask if he could call her back in maybe an hour...because we are having coffee together. But he doesn't agree. So, he carries on a conversation which makes our conversation over. So I go and find something else to do. I feel he is being very rude and disrespectful to me, and it makes me feel so unimportant! I'd like to know if I'm wrong in this. Thank you ~ Kate Hmm, I understand how Kate feels. We always want to be number one. But for me, I would be okay with it. Maybe it's the only time he and his sister really talk. What do you think? Is Kate's husband being rude to his wife, or is it just a phone call? Let me know what you think and let's help her out on the TRY Facebook page.

Germany, Bavaria, Senior couple sitting at campfire

Photo: Getty Images

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