This is so exciting!! Local businesswoman Tracy Slocum is making her way onto the TV show Shark Tank! Tracy has her own luxury brand called Pretty Rugged. She started her own business because she comes from a family of adventurers, so to make sure they could stay warm in the winter, she came up with the perfect item. She has designed a blanket with beautiful faux fur on one side and a waterproof and windproof backing on the other side. The company is already a multi-million dollar venture, and it's even made it onto Oprah's list of Favorite Things, but Tracy wants more. She wants to be able to build the business and she knew Shark Tank was the place to go. Tracy filmed her segment in July and just found out recently that it will be airing on October 21st! I can't wait to see it! Tracy said going on Shark Tank is life changing, and that it was the most challenging experience of her life! Let's cheer Tracy on October 21st when Shark Tank airs. Oh and find out more about her company by clicking here.