Today's 98.3 TRY Social Dilemma is about keeping secrets from your spouse. Here's David's email. Hi Jaime. My wife and I both decided to get healthier a few months back. We were never really big partiers, but we would both drink a few times a week and even vape a little bit. I’ll admit that I was a bigger smoker than her, but we would often do it together. We decided we were getting older and it was best to try to get healthier so so we decided to put those habits behind us. We both quit cold turkey and did really great for a couple of months. Well, for the last few weeks, I’ve been going to my friend’s house — which isn’t unusual — and I’ve vaped a little bit and have had a couple of beers. Now I’m feeling really guilty and don’t know if I should tell my wife or just try and quit again and keep my indiscretion a secret. What do you think? Thanks so much ~ David. Personally I'm not a fan of keeping secrets from your spouse. If you have a good relationship, then letting them know you slipped and are now willing to get back on track would be okay. But that's just me. What do you think? Let's help David out and let me know on the TRY Facebook page.