Today's 98.3 TRY Social Dilemma came from Derek and it's about a tough work situation. Here's the email: Hi Jaime. Help me out. I was recently promoted over a colleague who is also a close friend. He's been at the company longer and openly wanted the position. I can tell he's upset, and I’m feeling a little guilty about it. I don’t want this to affect our friendship, so what should I do? Wait it out or say something to him? Should I give up the position and recommend him? Hope you can help ~ Derek. These are tough situations at work. We become friends with our coworkers and we want the best for our friends. But you didn't make the decision as to who to promote, the boss did. So while it is too bad that your friend didn't get the job he wanted, there must be a reason you did. He has to understand that, and so I would say something to him. You don't want this to come between your friendship. That's my take anyway. What would you do. Let's help Derek out and let me know on the TRY Facebook page.