Today's 98.3 TRY Social Dilemma came from Victor and it's about an office prank. Here's the email: Hi Jaime. I work in a great office with really nice people. We often play practical jokes on each other. Nothing major, just fun little things that will make everyone laugh. Well I decided I would play a prank on our boss. He is always the first one in the office to go for whatever food has been brought in by someone. So last week, I brought in a cake but I made it with five times the amount of salt that should ever be in anything sweet. It tasted awful. Anyway, I brought it in, he took a bite and immediately spit it out. Of course we all laughed, but he didn't think it was funny. He's never been this sensitive before, but now he's giving me the cold shoulder and criticizing all my work. I'm afraid I could get fired. What would you do in this situation? My coworkers are telling me he'll get over it, but it's been a week and he's still not. Help. Thanks ~ Victor. Well, I love a good practical joke. And this one didn't really have any bad after affects. Sounds like he was just embarrassed to not be in on it. But I would hope the boss would get over it. But I think I would go to the boss and apologize and hope for the best. What do you think? Should he have left the boss out of the joke circle? Let's help Victor out and let me know on the TRY Facebook page.