Today's 98.3 TRY Social Dilemma came from Teri and it's about dating and passing gas...odd I know. Here's the email: Hi Jaime. I bet I have the strangest social dilemma you've ever heard. I'm recently divorced and just started dating again. I have met a very nice guy who I really like. We've been dating for about four months. I like everything about him. He's kind, he's considerate, he listens to me, he treats others well. I mean we've had small disagreements about what to watch on TV, but so far, he seems just great, except for one thing. He passes gas in public. At first he tried to hide it from me, but now he kind of snickers when it happens. We're both in our 50's so I know that sometimes it's difficult to keep things inside if you know what I mean, but he doesn't even try to go off by himself. He'll just keep walking and let loose. Some of my friends say it's a deal breaker. I don't know..I know I'm not happy about it, but is it really a dealbreaker? Hope you can help. Thanks ~ Teri. Well, Teri is right, it is the strangest social dilemma I've ever gotten, but I understand it being an issue. Listen, we all know it happens, but a dating dealbreaker? I don't think so, but I would talk with him about it. What do you think? Would this gross you out and cause you to end a relationship? Let's help Teri out and let me know on the TRY Facebook page.