Jaime in the Morning

Jaime in the Morning

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S Dilemma: Cheap Coworker Eats Everything But Never Chips In for Anything

Today's 98.3 TRY Social Dilemma came from Lisa and it's about what's appropriate at the office. Here's her email: Hi Jaime. At my office, we occasionally have times where we all plan to bring in something to share, usually snacks or dessert items. We enjoy each other's company and it's a nice way to have a few minutes aways from our desks. But, there is usually one person that does not bring anything, however, they do partake in the goodies. And sometimes they say they are bringing some home for the family and put stuff in a container. I don’t understand who does this? Am I overreacting? Is it me? Any thoughts on how to handle this tactfully? Thanks much ~ Lisa. I feel like there's always someone like this at every office. I'm not quite sure what the answer is. I guess there are two ways to go about it. Either say the food is only for people who chip in, or just let it go. I understand it bothering everyone, but who knows her situation. Maybe she can't afford to bring something in. But if she can and you know it, it might be time to bring it up, perhaps in a meeting with everyone. What do you think? Let's help Lisa out and let me know on the TRY Facebook page.

Creative business team discussing while having meal

Photo: Wavebreakmedia / iStock / Getty Images

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